Turner Experts

Valuation of paintings by Turner Experts

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Turner Experts

Valuation of paintings by Turner Experts

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Turner Experts

Valuation of paintings by Turner Experts

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J.M.W. Turner art research,

authentication and appraisal

Turner Experts comprises a dedicated group of art specialists, researchers, scholars, and appraisers working together to authenticate and appraise the sketches, watercolors and oils of JMW Turner, the renowned 18th century English painter.

We are fluent in French, and Italian, countries which Turner explored extensively as he painted his beautiful landscapes.

In authenticating Turner we use state of the art techniques including x-ray photography, paper analysis and other means to establish authenticity.

If you have a sketch or painting you think might be by JMW Turner, please contact us.

Expert Services

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At Turner Experts we authenticate the works of Joseph Mallord William Turner.

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Not all pictures are created equal, so it takes a highly specialized, knowledgable, and experienced appraiser to determine where each works fits into the pantheon of works by Tuner.

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Turner Experts can thoroughly analyze the signature on your painting or drawing to determine if it was done by the hand of Joseph Mallord William Turner.